
BarRefaeliisanIsraelimodel,actress,andbusinesswoman.SheisamongthemostinternationallysuccessfulmodelstocomefromIsrael,appearingonthe ...,BarRefaeli。2528894個讚·71人正在談論這個。Toliveistherarestthing...BarRefaeli.????.246萬位追蹤者.????.正在追蹤0人.Toliveistherarest ...,BarRefaeli芭兒拉法莉·全球最情色內衣品牌的6大秘密·「世界最情色內衣品牌」AgentProvocateur邀來以色列超模芭兒拉法莉BarRefaeli性...

Bar Refaeli

Bar Refaeli is an Israeli model, actress, and businesswoman. She is among the most internationally successful models to come from Israel, appearing on the ...

Bar Refaeli 的個人檔案

Bar Refaeli 。 2528894 個讚· 71 人正在談論這個。 To live is the rarest thing ... Bar Refaeli. ????. 246 萬位追蹤者. ????. 正在追蹤 0 人. To live is the rarest ...

Bar Refaeli 芭兒拉法莉

Bar Refaeli 芭兒拉法莉 · 全球最情色內衣品牌的6大秘密 · 「世界最情色內衣品牌」Agent Provocateur邀來以色列超模芭兒拉法莉Bar Refaeli性感演繹2016春夏廣告 · 「豐臀金 ...

Bar Refaeli

Bar Refaeli is an Israeli model, television host, actress, and entrepreneur. She is considered among the most internationally successful models to come from ...

Bar Refaeli (@barrefaeli) • Instagram photos and videos

4M Followers, 943 Following, 3975 Posts - Bar Refaeli (@barrefaeli) on Instagram: Mommy to Liv Elle & David @livelle

Bar Refaeli(@barrefaeli)• Instagram 相片與影片

4M 位粉絲、 965 人追蹤中、 3962 則貼文- Instagram 上的Bar Refaeli (@barrefaeli):「 Mommy to Liv Elle & David @livelle 」

Bar Refaeli (@BarRefaeli) X

I'm the new ambassador for @xtishoes ♥️ We shot the first campaign in Madrid, it was so much fun! I love the team, the shoes and my new family ????


芭兒·拉法莉(英語:Bar Refaeli,希伯來語:בר רפאלי‎,—)出生於以色列,為以色列的模特兒和女演員。 芭兒·拉法莉. Bar Refaeli. 2011. 模特兒.